Are you struggling to find clarity in life? Well you’re not alone. Let’s face it, life can be a complicated affair, overwhelming for many, and at some time or another we all face questions like:
“What is my purpose in life?”
“How do I deal with this difficult situation?”
“What choice should I make next?”
“What if I make the wrong decision?”
It’s very easy to get lost in the mental process of trying to figure out how to deal with life. If you’ve ever been faced with a tough decision you’ll know that it can be hard to avoid getting caught up in incessant thinking, calculating, worrying and second guessing.
Quite often you will find that all this mental wrangling only seems to make things worse. As you struggle to achieve mental clarity, the answers you need and the clarity that you seek just seem to get further and further away. Sometimes it can seem like the more you try to think your way through a problem, the more complicated it becomes. Seeking clarity in uncertain times can be a daunting experience, and it can be very stressful if the solutions you seek don’t appear when you need them.
The answers to your questions and the solutions to your problems can be found. One way or another you will eventually discover a new way to deal with your situation, or you will be inspired by a new idea, or you will notice a path that you had not previously considered. There’s no better feeling that suddenly becoming clear on something that had previously been a road block in your life. Those “aha!” moments are a real blessing when they come.
But where do these “aha!” moments come from? Where do new ideas originate? Where is inspiration born? Is there anything you can do to bring them forward, to experience them now? What can you do to improve mental clarity?
Clarity and the Power of Meditation
Deep within you are great reserves of mental power that may be blocked by an overactive mind or stressed, negative thinking. Your subconscious mind is incredibly intelligent, and it can give rise to new ideas, brilliant insights and new perspectives.
The problem is that most of the time we are too mentally clouded to allow these insights to surface and become apparent to us.
This is why meditation is one of the main keys to clarity in life. My own experience and that of millions of others is testament to the fact that life just seems to “work out” when you learn to meditate. Meditation helps to calm the storm in your mind, leaving you with more room for natural insights and intuitive answers to flow into your awareness.
Not only does meditation provide you with enhanced mental clarity, it also helps you to relax. Do not underestimate the importance of relaxation if you are trying to find clarity in life. Physical and mental relaxation, the kind that you feel when you practice meditation, has a calming effect on your entire nervous system, eliminating stress and confusion. There’s no quicker way to an “aha!” moment than to relax, and clear your mind with meditation.
Think about it for a moment. If you are trying to find clarity in your life, then doesn’t meditation make perfect sense? People who practice meditation are relaxed, clear minded, and more in touch with their intuition. This is exactly what you need if you are trying to answer life’s questions.
The trap that most of us fall into is this...we assume that we have to THINK our way through life and all its ups and downs. We believe that we must exert ourselves and push against our problems, or they might never go away.
This is not always the right approach!
Let this analogy give you some new insight as to why meditation and stillness is so important to clarity in life. On the left we have a glass that contains murky water. The fastest way to make the water become clear again is to allow it time to remain still. If you agitate the water by trying to push the murkiness to the bottom then you just stir it all up again. Whereas if you let the water remain motionless, then slowly the water clarifies all by itself. Meditation works in much the same, effortless way.
Your mind is at work all day, every day. Every decision you make, every challenge that you face, every moment you go through in life, your mind is your constant companion, and it can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
Meditation will transform the quality of your mind, leading you to experience clarity in all areas of your life.
This does not mean that you will never be faced with problems ever again, but it does mean that you will not feel so overwhelmed by life.
As a relaxed, clear minded person, you will face life’s challenges with ease. Decisions will become easier to make, courage will be easier to find. Inner peace will be your constant companion, and your mind will become your best friend, providing you with fresh insights and solutions more easily than you have ever imagined.
Guided meditations are the simplest, most effortless way to relax and clear your mind. Click here to download a FREE guided meditation and try it for yourself.
Alternatively, if you would like to learn how to meditate using traditional meditation techniques, please click here to learn how to meditate for free.
Still unsure? Take a moment to check out this information on the benefits of meditation
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