Monday, 18 February 2013

13 Unusual Job Titles

Doctor. Lawyer. Editor. Account manager. Sales manager. Administrative assistant. Bartender. Chef.
When someone gives you one of the above as his job title, you know what he means and you have a general idea of what he does. But what if someone told you he was a "chief wiggle eye gluer," a "director of chaos" or a "head worm wrangler"? You'd probably scratch your head a little, no?
We asked our readers to share their unusual job titles, or someone else's unique position, and describe what it is they do. Here's what they told us:
1. "My title is director of storytelling. My role is to create social media campaigns and strategies for companies in order to better tell their stories online. I think my title actually is a good description of what I do. I help organizations tell their story through the Internet." -- Austin Lee, director of storytelling, Eyespeak
2. "I am the chief wiggle eye gluer at My Car Pet. I came up with the idea behind [it], so my official title would not be something boring like owner or president. Since My Car Pet is such a fun and silly idea, I figured I needed a fun and silly title. Plus, I actually still make them myself but not for much longer if sales continue as they are." -- Shaun Kruse, chief wiggle eye gluer, My Car Pet
3. "The management team, as well as some other staffers at New Holland Brewing Co. in Holland, Mich., have unique job titles. Of course, when you work in the beer industry -- why wouldn't you? Brett Vanderkamp, president and chief imagination officer; David White, director of chaos; Fred Bueltmann, beervangelist; John Haggerty, brewmaster/instigator; Isaac Hartman, ambassador of great beer; Joel Armato, beer beast from the East; Rich Blair, regional spirits ambassador; Ted Cothran, brewer/mischief; Lindsey Miller, chief sparkle officer." -- Dianna Stampfler, president, Promote Michigan
4. "I have a vermicomposting business, and my job title is 'head worm wrangler.' I have two 150-gallon bins, which contain tens of thousands of red wriggler worms. These worms eat large quantities of food waste and turn it into extremely valuable fertilizer, both solid and liquid. So, what I do is collect food waste, feed it to worms, harvest worms, set up worm bins, harvest compost, bottle worm juice. This is, needless to say, extremely messy, sloppy, stinky, dirty work." -- Ellen Sandbeck, head worm wrangler
5. "My title is the marble lady. I teach marbles all over and give presentations concerning marbles." -- Cathy Runyan Svacina
6. "Call Pure Visibility and you'll be connected to their 'magic maker,' Mary Livesay. Mary's role is simply to make thing happen, just like magic. Their matchmaker, Barbra Wells, is the sales manager who connects clients with the best in-house resources. Jennifer Burch, Pure Visibility's ambassador of prosperity, is the project manager who keeps everything on time and on budget." -- Jennifer Cornell, Pure Visibility
7. "My job title is derma-pigmentation technician for permanent cosmetics. I tattoo faces and areola repigmentation." -- April Meese, esthetician and derma-pigmentation technician
8. "We have a chief fun officer. He's always happy and energized. He looks for fun things the whole company can do together." -- Rachel Cohen, administrative assistant, Cohen Architectural Woodworking LLC
9. "Sustainability advocate. My role as an advocate is basically one of public education. I have been doing regular speaker/video/discussion locally and regionally for over five years. The basic task is consciousness-raising in a locale where the thinking is more than 20 years behind Western Europe, and three decades behind the global leaders." --Larry Menkes, sustainability director, Freedom's Way Foundation
10. "Producer of world records and world record attempts. The organization I work for is Record Breakers; it used to be a TV show in the U.K. a few years ago. Now I've relaunched it. We're a registered nonprofit, and I, in my role as chairman, produce the world record attempts and events to raise money for those in need." -- Brian Sterling, chairman/CEO of MajorVision International
11. "When I founded my professional organizing company, I decided that I didn't want to be a president or CEO. Instead, I decided that I would be the overseer of order. This is my official title. As the head of the company, not only do I oversee all aspects of the company's business, but as a professional organizer, I oversee order in the lives of my business and residential clients in the areas of space, paper, electronic documents and time." -- Janice Russell, organizer coach, Minding Your Matters Organizing
12. "We changed our receptionist's title to director of first impressions." -- Jennifer Marshall
13. "Angela Manzaneres is the chief fitlosopher at fitlosophy Inc. [She] embraces the fit life and has a passion for positively influencing the lives of others. The mission of fitlosophy is to inspire people to live a healthy, active lifestyle by motivating and supporting them with innovative products, to redefine how people integrate fitness into their lifestyle and to change the shape of world -- literally." -- Joanna Sutte, Fitness and Spice


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