Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Morning Advantage: Could Biking to Work Improve Your Focus?

According to a recent study out of Denmark, children who bike to school concentrate better in the classroom. Writing in Atlantic Cities, Sarah Goodyear reports that kids who biked or walked to school, rather than taking public transit or riding in cars, performed better on tasks that required focus — and that the effects lasted up to four hours. In fact, the effect of the exercise was greater than the impact of eating well. "As a third-grade pupil, if you exercise and bike to school, your ability to concentrate increases to the equivalent of someone half a year further in their studies," said researcher Niels Egelund.

Of course, this is all well and good for the kiddos, but it selfishly has me wondering what adults could learn from this. Maybe I really am more productive on those days I sneak out for a jog at lunch.

Sparse Valentine's Bouquets from ProFlowers Ignite Social Media Ire (Jezebel)

Having dated a few frugal fellows, I've been on the receiving end of the likes of ProFlowers before, and I know all too well that the lush bouquets pictured on discount florists' websites are a fiction. But in the Instagram era, the difference between online promise and bedraggled reality is easily documented and shared. What's especially interesting about this piece are the comments from former ProFlowers employees beneath the main article; suffice it to say, shipping an inferior product results in a lot of long, bad days for your customer service reps. For research on why we turn to social media when we're enraged, see this smart piece in HBR from Alfredo Behrens, "Social Media as Modern Sorcery."

Five Evidence-Based Ways to Optimize Your Teamwork (99u)

Tip #1: Make everyone write down their ideas before they share them. Studies have shown that while groups do make better decisions than individuals, the reason is that you're getting a diversity of approaches and opinions. But once discussion begins, the more vocal members of the group drown out the shy violets, and everyone starts revising their good ideas towards a mushy middle. Read the full piece for more data-driven advice.

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