article shares two strategies that are proving most effective for CEOs
that aim to make their companies more innovative: developing a creative
culture (people’s behaviors) and applying new processes and
The summary of The 2012 Conference Board CEO Challenge
reveals that the top two concerns for CEOs are innovation and human
capital, while the top two CEO strategies to cope with them are creating
a culture of innovation and applying new technologies (product,
process, information, etc.).¹

market expectations, competitive pressures and pace of change make the
CEOs look at innovation as “the” solution. CEOs tend to do it however in
an episodic manner, without discipline and without clear expectations
on return. Executives would like to move boldly with big and
discontinuous choices rather than with incremental innovations, but they
miss clear strategies, structures and procedures. This results in most
ideas going to the drawer without ever seeing the market light.
Consequently, the company retreats to more familiar territories, and the
cycle of people’s frustrations repeats itself. ²
Innovation as a discipline – creating a culture
This is a good starting point for the company, as it generates a
desire for change, and there is no action without desire. Innovation is a
choice, a strategy. As Deming said, nobody forces a company to become
innovative. Converting the desire into action requires an intentional
initiative, systematically planned and organized like any other
important management activity – strategic planning, implementation of
ERP systems, etc. At the same time, there are still many executives that
consider innovation a peripheral or luxurious activity.
Innovation must be understood as a
discipline in its double
meaning. Discipline is a field of knowledge (like Finance Marketing or
Six Sigma), which requires “discipline” or rigor in the approach. It is
not magic but deliberate, it is systematic and with some degree of
predictability. Unfortunately, our under-standing of innovation lags
thirty years behind that of, for example, quality. The good news is that
it can be learnt, practiced and fine-tuned with a rigorous approach
through continuous experimentation.
Creating a culture of innovation in the company gives the CEOs an
opportunity to exercise leadership, showing their desire with actions
rather than with words only. Walk the talk. How much time is committed
in their calendars to innovation or devoted to innovation in the
Management Team meetings? What is the message that their Management
Teams receive consistently from them? Then, how is this commitment
communicated to the organization?
The difference between success and failure of the innovation initiatives lies in having strong company values to create an environment that generates entrepreneurial behaviors.
Many organizations approach innovation with the same left-brain elements as any other discipline, dedicating
resources, processes and
to track the progress. They are all needed, but not enough as they
forget critical right-brain elements. The difference between success and
failure of the innovation initiatives lies in having strong company
values to create an
environment that generates entrepreneurial
Assessing the current situation in which the organization is at present under the perspective of these six left
right pillars will give the CEOs and the Management Team an
understanding of the key gaps between the current and the desired
situation, allowing them to first design and then implement the changes
required to create the necessary culture of innovation amongst the
people in the organization.
CEOs as leaders of people
Revolutions start with people. Cultures start with Leaders. How many
of the 5Es of leadership are shown in this communication?⁴ All great
leaders have an empowering and motivating vision. A vision is like a
lighthouse that guides the people through the journey, also in stormy
weather, transmitting to them a desire to make the journey, arrive to
the desired end and become part of a winning team. Developing and
communicating this vision is a critical first step in the journey
towards innovation, and then defining the focus and the rules, allowing
experimentation, rewarding learning (also from failures), not allowing
mediocrity, holding the people accountable and providing them the tools
that will make the journey more effective and enjoyable.
Emerging trends and technological changes are having a significant
impact on the ways of doing business. Cloud computing, enterprise
mobility devices as doorways, fluid collaboration technology, the
conversation economy via social computing and the commoditization of
analytics will make data and decision making key competitive
differentiators. ⁵ ⁶
An academic approach to learning from previous experiences in other
companies will help set up the base. Involving consultants to provide
supporting seminars on creativity, on enrolling the organization into
the journey to a new culture, providing personal and group coaching if
needed, are tools within the reach of the CEOs and Management Teams to
increase the effectiveness of the change in culture.
Online collaboration tools are becoming critical in
managing the company development and the change process, especially in
those cases where the teams are geographically distributed.
CEOs can therefore provide these tools to take along the journey to
change. The Forrester report shows that on line collaboration tools are
becoming critical in managing the company development and the change
process, especially in those cases where the teams are geographically
distributed. There is a growing trend to make use of the new
technologies and collaboration tools/platforms. Similarly, there is
still some questioning on feasibility amongst IT leaders. At the same
time they report that SaaS helps to improve the business agility.
We can see many of these tools becoming available to companies at
different levels of complexity, offering different versions for
different company sizes – for example Chaordix⁷, a unique methodology
and expert services with advanced technology to harness the power of
crowdsourcing for companies; or
easycrit©⁸, an innovation
management platform that helps companies systematize a continuous, broad
and multidimensional approach to business innovation. Heavy IT platform
investments are not required, with Cloud computing reducing the entry
barrier and facilitating the implementation⁹. It is critical for
employees to see these collaboration tools as something that makes their
job more efficient and their life easier, rather than as one more task
to perform on top of their daily duties.
In conclusion, many companies claim that people are their most
valuable asset. At the same time, many of them also forget about people
when making the commitment to become innovative. Leading people into a
motivating journey towards creative ways of working, treating them with
respect, making them accountable for results and providing them the
tools to make the journey fascinating will help CEOs bring the
discipline of innovation into their companies and achieve better
business results in a faster changing world.