An auditor is guilty until proven innocent
Joan Pastor has
worked with both private and public organizations as a consultant,
conference speaker and trainer. Her in-depth knowledge reflects over
nineteen years of experience in implementation of quality improvement
programs, building high performing teams, developing the "customer"
orientation within and outside the organization, change management and conflict resolution skills.
Contact or Joan's web site is at
years ago, I gave my first presentation ever to a group of internal
auditors at the annual conference of the IIA Boston Chapter. It
was an all day seminar on "How to Resolve Conflict and Positively
Influence Others," and I was facing a packed room of mostly male, mostly
graying auditors. I was addressing the concept that auditors as profit-based professionals -- have customers too. I quickly realized that my audience did not quite understand the importance of looking at auditees as their customers.
To clarify my point, I asked the audience: "If I were to ask your clients for the first word that comes to mind when thinking of internal auditors, what would I hear ?"
There was complete silence, and then a low ripple of laughter. A hand went up. From the back of the room, I heard the word: "Cops." Another hand went up: "Trouble-makers." There were several more negative generalizations, including "a pain in the neck," and "there to play 'gotcha !'"
that time, I have seen an incredible change in the philosophy and
practice of internal audit, most of it falling under the rubric of
"value-added auditing." By
1993, the list of negative words that clients invariably gave me
started including some neutral, and even positive words, such as
"collaborators," "advisors," and even those magical words "very
Another word that appeared regularly was "consultant," or "internal consultant". This
designation stirred up ( and still does ) wide debate within audit
professional associations as to whether being a consultant could and
should include being involved in setting up controls ( i.e., quality
improvement teams ) or being involved in implementation after the audit.
Control Self-Assessment ( CSA ) became a viable option in auditing
methodology, there were times when the list did not contain any negative
words about auditors at all!
The death of "gotcha!" is a bit premature
Nevertheless, the death of "Gotcha !" auditing is a bit premature. Even with the improvement of auditís image in some organizations, it has not gone as far as it perhaps should and could go. There are still large pockets of resistance to new approaches ( CSA ) in auditing methodology.
Let's look for a moment at the different auditing cultures that I have encountered over the years - from value-added organizations to those groups that have not subscribed to CSA. My
ultimate focus will be on the psychological reasons behind the latter
groupís tenacity in "conducting business as usual," and the real
benefits in changing one's approach.
Auditing cultures
Why so many auditors still struggle
are many individual factors that show why so many auditors still
struggle with the idea of letting go of who ultimately determines what
risks should be in place, the importance of those risks, and the
necessity of various controls.
would say that age is a factor; however, this cannot account for all of
the resistance to letting go as many audit directors with gray in their
hair have been more than proactive in changing the face of internal
Others might say that having more women in the profession has made a difference. Research does supp
ort the conclusion that professions populated by women do become more open to cross-functional collaboration. However,
recent studies on gender differences in the workplace have found that,
in the past four years in the United States, men have almost caught up
to women in their belief that collaboration, communication, and a
customer orientation are important managerial and departmental
philosophies and skills.
another factor worth considering in view of the increasing trend to
rotate new hires through the audit department to inject fresh thinking
and spirit. A research study conducted by Hayes indicates that 22% of the U.S. workforce consists of a new type of employee called the "emergent worker." These employees tend to be very independent in their thinking, highly goal directed and self-oriented. In other words, the W.I.I.F.M. factor ( "What's in it for me ?" ) is stronger than ever. This type of worker transcends age, ethnicity and gender, and is expected to grow to 45% of the workforce within a few years. The philosophy of the emergent worker does not exactly support a collaborative orientation.
Psychology and its applications to auditing
order to understand why it is so difficult to let go of the "Gotcha!"
mentality and why it is so easy to acquire that mode of thinking - even
when you don't want it - we turn to the field of psychology. Much of the traditional beliefs of auditing are based in a core human experience: the fundamental need for control.
Psychology, as the scientific study of the mind, its activities, and human and animal behavior ( Websterís, 1971, p. 297 ), has a lot to offer to auditors. Psychologists
may differ in their beliefs as to why people think and act the way they
do ( e.g., because weíre born that way, or because of socialization by
our parents or culture, or a combination of both ), but there is one
point that all psychologists share in common.
The fundamental need for control
From the moment of birth, we share the belief that human beings have to create meaning out of the events in their lives. If
we didn't assign an interpretation to what we experience moment by
moment, we wouldn't know how to respond and would feel completely lost
and out of control.
feeling of not being in control of ourselves and of the situations in
which we find ourselves is the single most terrifying experience that a
human being can face. It
is so unpleasant that erecting meaning-making structures in order to
defend against this experience is one of the most important roles of the
ego ( Jacobs, 1994 ).
cultures have elaborate belief systems and/or rituals that give us
roles and rules to follow so that we can trust that the others in our
group - whether it be family, a profession, an organization or a society
- will stay in their roles and follow the shared belief systems of the
group to which we belong.
example, in Western societies where English is the dominant language,
we hold in high esteem the concept of individualism, which holds that
each individual can, and should, choose his or her own destiny. Freedom of choice is our most cherished value as it makes us feel "in control." We then directly or indirectly negotiate with each other to make sure "your destiny" will not negatively impact "my destiny."
many other cultures, however, being "in control" means to be able to
depend completely on trusted others who will be there to assist you at
any time any threatening situation occurs.
For example, Japan's
physical landscape has traditionally been a very isolating and
forbidding one, including massive earthquakes that occur without
warning. Centuries ago, the Japanese learned that the only way to survive was to survive together. To
reduce chaos when the environment turned against them ( or when warring
parties attacked ), an elaborate and detailed system of precise roles
was developed for each group member to follow based on seniority,
gender, and economic status. This system of interaction eventually generalized to include all interactions between human beings. As a result, being "in control" in Japan
is based on the resilience of one's group, and provides a great sense
of security and safety in what is basically an unsafe world.
examples above are meant to show how the individual ego of every human
being collectively pulls together so that all human beings share enough
common meaning-making for living together in relative harmony. This
offers fundamental protection to the psyche, such that any perceived or
real decreases ( called "rips" ) in the illusion of control will result
in very real declines in both physical and mental health.
research exists to show that violations to oneís person or community (
such as rapes, theft, wars, pillaging, poverty, and mental and/or
physical abuse in the home ) are highly correlated with permanent damage
to oneís belief that one can live freely and safely. This
belief is expressed in such chronic problems as increased depression
and anxiety, a chronic sense of helplessness and inefficacy, an
obsessive need to control at all costs which is the basis of many mental
disorders, and even higher mortality rates.
any time a person feels that their ability to control their world is
threatened, all the psychological defenses we have built since birth are
triggered, and we automatically respond to restore a balance of power
between ourselves and the source of the threat.
The word "control" as part of the audit language is not a coincidence
Auditing, more than any other profession, is completely based on this same fundamental premise of control. There
may be a great deal that people who are not auditors do not understand
about the auditing profession, but it does not take much exposure to
traditional methods of auditing to quickly understand that the auditor
is there to test the one concept that is most fundamental to that
manager, employee or department. That is, their method of meaning-making that has led them to determine what they feel are the best ways to conduct their business !
has been especially reinforced by decades of internal auditors
deliberately setting themselves up as coming from a perspective separate
from those being audited, whether that separate perspective is based in
upholding laws and regulations or carrying out senior managementís
dictates. Furthermore,
the fact that an auditor does not have the time nor other resources to
look at the whole client operation causes them to have to limit their
activities to a specific scope, and to sampling methods. It
is not that this is a bad thing to do; it is that those being audited
have often perceived the picking and choosing of some arena to look at (
often considered rather obscure ) over another arena ( which in their
minds might reveal more about their collective positive efforts ) as
arbitrary and completely missing the bigger picture.
Therefore, auditees have come to make a number of assumptions which are still not entirely inaccurate: that
the auditor is simply poking holes in order to find problems; that the
auditor blindly operates from an archaic set of laws and regulations
that he or she knows are no longer relevant; that auditors are often
there to do managementís dirty work ( i.e., get people fired ), and that
they do not weigh the severity of the risk against the cost of
containing or eliminating the risk.
this all boils down to is an ongoing perception that auditors don't
focus on the same meaning-making, or set of beliefs, that the people in
that work area do, and this sets people up for a power struggle.
more non-auditors see the auditors' set of beliefs and expectations as
separate from their own, the greater the perception that the auditor is
simply asserting his or her positional authority to get what he or she wants. Positional
authority means the ability to assert oneís point-of-view as the one to
be followed based mainly on the power given to the position in the
organizational pecking order.
In other words, if the auditors are perceived
to have the ear of their senior management, auditees will cooperate
superficially, but they will be more resistant underneath because they
feel the control has been taken away from them.
more the auditee finds common meaning-making, or beliefs, between him
or herself and the auditor, the more the auditee will not only ascribe
more informational authority
( that the auditor knows what he or she is talking about ) to the
auditor, but will see him or herself as an equal with the auditor.
Why ? Because most managers like to see themselves as being authorities based on informational expertise as well. The perception of some congruence
between the belief systems of two different professions - auditors and
managers at any level in the organization - is such a positive
experience for those trying to control their day-to-day environment that
the collaboration becomes genuine. A partnership with increased dialogue and honest communication is formed.
it is imperative that auditors continue to move beyond the focus on
problems, findings and risks, and develop a reputation for also helping
their clients to reach departmental goals and to see new opportunities
for advancement.
Why is it so hard to shift from a risk- and controls-based perspective ?
my observation, I find that auditors are still having a difficult time
shifting from a risk and/or control based perspective in the concept of
"findings." Some auditors equate findings with objectivity. However,
as long as findings include only what is wrong with a work area or a
work process, auditors are missing half the picture : all the things
that people may be doing right.
"right," we mean that employees are complying not only with critical
laws and regulations, but also extending the definition of due diligence
by focusing on the most critical activities in their jobs that lead to
accomplishing their department's mission and goals.
There are a number of critical reasons for taking serious note of the positive actions. First, noting equally what is positive and what is negative gives a more accurate and complete picture. Second,
and even more important from everyoneís perspective, the means for
correcting a problem is sometimes rooted in the activities that people
are already doing correctly.
This leads us to an extremely powerful concept based in a psychological concept called generalization. It
means that once a positive or negative action is taken in a particular
situation, there is an increased tendency for the person( s ) to use the
same behavior in other situations that are perceived to be similar to
the original situation.
Every auditor has been a victim of negative generalization. How
often have you met with great resistance at an opening conference due
to the negative experience the auditees had with the last auditors ? However,
with new awareness and training, auditors can ( re )shape other
peoples' responses to them so that their clients will begin to
generalize positively to the typical auditor.
Some of the keys to success involve learning to assert informational rather than positional authority,
accepting a fundamental truism that we cannot change other people, and
changing oneís own behavior in response to the behavior of others.
Knowing why, how and what we are doing is half the battle
order to change negative perceptions, an understanding of behavioral
patterns that are often at the root of the problem is essential, i.e.:-
Psychological perspectives
There are many psychological theories as to how human beings go about developing their belief systems and behavioral patterns.
The field of psychology has its roots in the intradynamic perspective of human development. This
perspective believes that the meanings we assign to events and actions
we take are due to inner, genetically based forces that we are born
perspective is based in social psychology, which traditionally has
focused on how other people impact us as individuals, and how we in turn
might respond.
In recent years, however, a third dimension in psychology has emerged, called interaction psychology. Interaction
psychology believes that one cannot focus solely on internal forces and
desires to understand how one makes meaning of life, nor can one focus
solely on the external impact other people have on the development of
the individual. Instead, the interpretation of meaning assigned is based on the unique combination of the person x the situation. Notice that the word here is "situation," not "other people."
Bronfenbrenner, who developed a similar theory called "ecological systems theory" ( Lemme, 1995, p. 38 ),
defines "situation" as the continuously changing properties of the ( 1 )
immediate settings in which the person lives, ( 2 ) the relations
between these settings, and ( 3 ) all the larger past and present
variables that affect us ( e.g., our childhood, age, the global economy
). All
that is going on inside the individual combined with all that is going
on in the external world impacting that person at that particular moment
together create the final analysis and interpretation given. In
a nutshell, interaction psychology says that the situation and the
person are continuously co-creating each other, moment to moment.
Each one of these perspectives has something of value to offer auditors and will be viewed separately.
Freud : Not everything he said was wrong
Freud is the best representative of the psychodynamic approach to human development. There
is a lot that Freud theorized that we no longer agree with today, but
there are some key fundamental concepts he developed that still have a
lot to offer.
of the things Freud was most famous for was the idea that our mind is
divided into three key structures that explain different aspects of our
beliefs and behavior.
The first structure is the id which is present at birth and drives all our physiological instincts, emotions and desires. The id demands instant gratification of instincts without consideration of law, social custom, or the needs of others. Freud
recognized that the id could contain two conflicting emotions at once,
which is why it is possible, for example, to enjoy the excitement of
stealing while hating ourselves for taking such a risk ( Rathus, 1990 ).
The second structure of the mind is the ego,
which begins to develop during the first year of life, largely because a
childís demands for gratification cannot all be met immediately. This causes immense frustration and anger which need to be dealt with somehow. Thus the ego develops as a "stand for reason and good sense" ( Freud, 1964, p. 76 ). The ego finds rational ways to curb the id's need for instant gratification. It
also develops ways for the child to rationalize the need to align him
or herself with social convention in such a way that a person can find
gratification, yet avert the censure of others.
The last major structure of the mind is the superego, which develops throughout early childhood. It incorporates the moral standards and values of parents and other people perceived to be important to us. The superego develops examples of how we ideally can and should think and act in the world. It acts like the conscience, an internal moral guardian. According to Freud, the superego monitors the intentions of the ego our whole life and hands out judgements of right and wrong. When the superego does not like what our ego has decided, it floods us with feelings of guilt and shame.
As you can imagine, the ego is stuck in the middle of the id and the superego. On the one hand it strives, consciously or unconsciously, to satisfy and negotiate the demands of our id. On the other hand, the ego has to deal with the moral rectitude of the superego. The egoís job becomes one of negotiating between the id and the superego. If our ego is not a good negotiator or problem solver, or if the superego is too stern, we will feel miserable. If, on the other hand, the id is too strong, we might easily end up in jail !
the Freudian perspective, a healthy person has found ways to gratify
most of the idís demands without seriously offending the superego. Also,
most of the idís remaining demands are contained, meaning we can feel
the urge but it is not so strong that we feel compelled to act upon it. Or, some needs are repressed, meaning that the ego prevents us from even knowing that we feel that way.
it is important to understand that for our inappropriate and dangerous
impulses to be contained or repressed in a healthy manner, there has to
be sufficient allowance for the less dangerous and even the positive
impulses to be expressed ( e.g., a well-deserved vacation after working
hard on a long project ).
What does all this have to do with the world of auditing ?
you may have already guessed, people are often drawn to professions
that fit the tendencies of and relationship between their internal id,
ego and superego. In other words, it is rare that you will find a person who likes auditing who also has a very strong id !
even value-added approaches to auditing require analysis, patience,
problem-solving and decision-making skills, a well-developed ego and
superego seem to be inherent to auditing practitioners. Unfortunately,
an overly strong superego encourages auditors to make moral judgements
and to judge both people and their work situations based on their own
internal belief system of what the ideal should be.
In fact, auditing was originally designed to be moralistic : findings focused on the mistakes and the negatives. Auditors came in unannounced as if they were trying to catch people at something ( some still follow this practice ). People
were asked to make corrections and changes because that was the rule,
not because it would help the department to function better or make the
organization financially and structurally stronger.
This is certainly no great news to you as an auditor. Many audit departments try to weed out people who appear overly moralistic in the interviewing process. Unfortunately, that is not true of all audit or risk assessment departments.
recently gave a seminar on leadership skills for technically trained
managers at a large corporation that is very active in the IIA. A manager from the global risk group - we'll call him "Dave" - was one of the most punitive thinkers I have ever known. We conducted an exercise where people had to negotiate a solution to what appeared to be an insurmountable problem. Whenever Dave's partner did not agree with him, he would state very slowly and clearly: "You are stupid. I will kill you." It was his way, or no way at all ! Dave
was as hard on himself as he was on others, correcting himself
frequently and labeling his ideas - and everyone else's ideas - as
stupid and silly. The class was terrified of him !
Unfortunately, Dave's boss had an equally stern superego. In addition to being very defensive and vigorously defending Dave, he stated: "This is what is needed to get these people in line in this company."
Cognitive rigidity
Both Dave and his boss have such stern superegos that it has created cognitive rigidity. In
other words, the more dominant the superego, the more the person will
apply simplistic, overriding interpretations to a wide, unrelated
variety of people and situations in an absolutist manner. Notice that the bossí statement did not qualify that some people in some areas need a strong approach. Instead, his statement implies that all people in that whole company need to be strong-armed, and that his point of view was the only one worth considering.
The trend in this decade
the audit profession has tended to come from a basis that reflects the
superego, the trend in this decade reflects the profession's desire to
shift from a psychology based in the superego to one that is more
balanced in both its stance and its approach. This is a very positive development.
fact, because most people who stay in auditing tend to have stronger
superegos themselves, auditors especially can afford to let up on
themselves and enjoy themselves a bit more. This is exactly what
value-added methodologies are allowing auditors to do.
of the hardest things I find that auditors go through is their struggle
to give up control as they learn to facilitate risk through CSA-based
workshops. Once
auditors realize that they do not have to have all the answers and that
imperfection is a blessing when you know how to use it to your
advantage, they begin to loosen up and, by golly, have fun ! Real fun !
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