I felt that her email was genuine and decided to sent the audio for free. When I was writing to her to tell about the free gift, I suddenly got the urge to tell her about another way to end the long-term depression. This other way involves a name change. After sending her email I thought that I should share this way of changing destiny with more people.
How I changed my surname
Some readers already know this, some will be surprised to hear it. I officially changed my last name around 4 years ago.At first my name/surname combination was the most powerful Master number 22 and I honestly couldn’t handle it. I was immensely creative and immensely sensitive. I was too sensitive for this world and nobody understood me. I was always alone and even though sometimes I was in a company, I felt lonely.
I would totally feel the emotions of other people. Because my family harmony was non-existent, living with my parents felt like hell at most times. Also the whole atmosphere of my district felt not right. Many negative influences/emotions were crushing me, I felt the need to get out of there, otherwise I felt I would be destroyed.
So I studied very hard to get a scholarship to study abroad, because there was no way my parents could afford to give me education abroad. Thankfully I scored 100% in an English state exam and got a scholarship to study in England. The atmosphere in England was much better than that of Lithuania. There was Opportunity in the air, there was less Judgement. I felt much more free.
When I began meditating I started understanding why I was so sensitive. This extra sensitivity was written in the stars for me. Number 22 was the combination of my name and surname translated into numbers. This Master number is extremely hard to handle. People who can live with it achieve the greatest heights. People who can’t master it become slaves of it and fall into the greatest depths of despair.
This number was really too heavy for me. Within this combination, my name, Simona, always felt perfect. However the surname always felt alien. I felt that the surname was the cause of my hard life.
(On a side note, in the past mothers passed their surnames to their children. I always felt that that was so much more natural. Maybe that’s the reason my father’s surname didn’t fit me.)
Continuous meditation and spiritual search naturally led me to the surname change. At first it was informal, then I got it officially changed. Official surname change meant there was no way back. Since then I am known only by my new surname. This new identity filled me with joy and I felt free. The destiny now was in my hands. I was the writer of it.
And destiny did change completely. Finally I started successful business – this blog. Finally I could quit my horrible job. Finally I could live the way I wanted to – travelling all the time. I became much more confident and more social. I could find common ground with people and the earth felt more like home to me (not entirely though:)).
A few days ago I was on a Sri Lankan beach, watching the bright blue sea with surfers. I was lying under lush tropical trees and played with white sand with my feet. I realised that I achieved everything I wanted in my life. Everything. I wonder if that would have happened if my surname wasn’t changed. I am almost 100% sure my life would be completely different if I wouldn’t have made such a choice.
Is the name change for you?
Changing the name or surname is a serious matter. It Will change your life, so think carefully before taking this step. Changing your name equals altering your whole vibration. In this world your Name is You. If I would tell you the name “Anthony” and you know the person by that name, you will obviously think about that human being. So hopefully you can understand just how much impact your name has on your life.Name change is most suitable for people who share a similar story to my one. That is, those who suffer all their lives and feel that their name might be the reason for their misfortunes.
If you feel that you can’t cope with what life throws at you, or if you try to achieve things and that never manifests, maybe the stars are to be blamed/are holding back your accumulated good karma. A name change is one of a few ways to change such a life path.
However if you are just going through difficult times for a year or two, this is likely to pass and you probably don’t need to change your name for that.
If you are not sure about whether to change your name or not, it means that you need more time to make a decision. Remember that once something is done it can be hard to undo it, so it’s better to wait and see what clues life gives you on how to proceed further.
Only consider this step if it’s not the first time you thought of it. For example, I wanted to change my surname all my life. So the official name change was just that – official. However if this choice is completely new for you, please don’t take any sudden action. Think carefully and leave a long period of time before you come to any conclusion.
One more thing to think about. It is generally advised to change your surname to the one already possessed by one of your ancestors. That’s because then ancestor spirits can still protect you. You should only change your surname into a completely different one if you want to totally break away from the influences of your ancestry.
Sometimes official name changes can be hard to do in certain countries. I know in my country it is, so I changed my surname in England. If you can’t seem to be able to change your name in your country, simply ask friends/people you meet to call you the way you want to be called. Hearing this new name from people will get you into the vibration of this new name.
By changing your name officially you get into the vibration of the new name quicker. That’s because when you have the official document it allows you to change your surname on your driving license, bank cards and the passport. These identity confirmations serve as a powerful affirmation of your new name.
How to choose an auspicious name
I chose my surname intuitively. Thankfully when I checked with numerology my name combination, it was auspicious. The combination of my name and surname was about business, leadership and strength. This gives more strength for me to manage my 22 Master number. (When you change your original surname it still has an impact on you, you don’t completely lose this influence.)Little did I know that I intuitively chose the surname which adds up to become a Master number again, but a weaker one – 11. This one I can handle.
The best way, I think, to choose your name/surname is to select it intuitively and then to check with numerology if it’s auspicious. I read a great book about numerology in India but unfortunately I forgot its name so I can’t find it on Amazon. However Amazon seems to have an amazing selection of highly rated numerology books here.
So if you do decide to change your name (if you feel it’s the right choice for you), I advise you to do it intuitively and then check the auspiciousness of your name/surname combination in a numerology book.
Source: http://www.personal-development-coach.net
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