Younger workers seem to have embraced the office romance as the norm. According to a February 2012 poll by Workplace

“The nature of human beings is to pair up, and the office is no exception,” says Jennifer

DO: Remain professional.
When in doubt, keep it a secret. Stephan Labossiere, an Atlanta-based certified relationship expert, coach, and publisher of 
DON’T: Ignore the handbook.
Office intimacies can lead to harassment accusations and lost 
The biggest mistake that office couples make is bringing their relationship to work.
DO: Date on your level.
Definitely avoid dating up or down the chain. Having a romance with
your boss or your employee can be grounds for harassment charges, as the
perception that the relationship isn’t equal puts the company at a
greater risk. In the Vault.com survey, 26% of participants say they have
dated a subordinate, while 18% have dated a supervisor.
DON’T: Get carried away with social sharing.
With social media crossing the boundaries of private life and work
life, you may want to reconsider sharing late-night photos taken with
Joe from the accounting department. If it seems that Joe is giving you
an unfair advantage due to your relationship, for example, letting you
turn your expense reports in late, there could be grounds for dismissal.
DO: Have an exit strategy.
As in most business partnerships, an exit strategy should be one of
the first things both parties agree to. While talking about a breakup
early in a relationship can be sobering, it’s worth the effort if too
many issues are at stake. If the relationship becomes serious enough, it
may be necessary to have one of the romantically involved seek
employment elsewhere.Workplace couples may have a commitment edge on couples that meet in other, more traditional ways. According to Vault.com’s 2010

Romance in the workplace can be successful; it just takes a little extra handbook consulting. If the employee handbook isn’t clear, a good practice is to be as discreet as possible. When it comes to office romance, you can’t be too professional.
Source: https://www.citibank.com
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