In any line of business, you need to ensure you are maximising profit and gaining the most from your team. Business development and growth are essential, and by investing in the professional development of sales teams, UK businesses could significantly enhance revenue generation. However, a strategic approach is vital.
Pareto Law is a leading sales recruitment, sales training and sales development organisation, helping businesses transform their sales teams and realise their full business potential. In order to achieve business growth, first you need to understand where you are coming from – and where it is you want to go.
Performing a full audit of current business practice through competency-based assessment can provide an initial insight into current performance, giving each business the opportunity to see where it is they are excelling, and which areas require focus for future development.
From the results, a tailored and business-focused development strategy can deliver real results in the areas you need them.
“How you learn is equal to what you learn,” explains Pareto Director of Client Services, John Holton, “and as such our training is consistently designed to be practical, engaging and to relate to real business scenarios. That way, all our delegates are confidant transferring those new skills to the workplace.”
“The Pareto philosophy is built around the belief that professional development is a process, not an event,” John adds, “We don’t find potential sellers and drop them in your business; we don’t deliver a one-off training session and walk away. To give your training ‘stickability’, you need to continually push forward. That’s why all our candidates go through bespoke commercial sales training before entering the workplace, and that’s why we provide follow up and evaluation sessions to ensure our training sticks. It’s a long-term approach to development that delivers results.”
Catering across the marketplace to a range of organisations of all sizes and backgrounds, Pareto derives a significant percentage of current business from the SME market. After all, it is within these organisations that initial sales growth takes place, and the need to drive change can produce significant results.
Working in partnership with Sales Directors and Managers, Pareto offer a vast spectrum of courses and tailor competencies to ensure on-going professional development that reflects the individual growth plans of each organisation.
Popular examples include Professional Selling Skills, a course designed to provide delegates with the tools, techniques and skills to enable them to develop a consultative, client-focused approach to sales and business development. From describing the key stages of the customer buying journey to developing a benefits-driven pitch, the training supports sales people in fine-tuning their selling skills and ensuring they can close the deal, effectively building the sales superstars of the future. For sales managers, the Sales Leadership course explores the fundamental principles of effective sales leadership and provides a practical toolkit to refer to develop leadership skills and ensure sales teams are more effective in their performance.
For those looking to develop their presentation skills, High Impact Presentations (HIP) provides a hugely successful framework to enable delegates to create a deliver truly compelling presentations: an essential aspect when propositioning new business. By videoing delegates at the beginning of training and then at the conclusion two days later, Pareto are able to demonstrate the immediate impact of training.
Whether the business requirement is focused upon the recruitment of additional sales resources or the professional development of existing employees, each aspect of the training and development strategy is tailored to a pre-determined end goal, with measurable results. This consistent and on-going approach is the core USP of Pareto, which has established a proven track record for improving sales performance for over 15 years.
Case Study
In 2001, Rackspace was a SME with a vision for growth. With just 6 employees, the company had great ambition and were seeking to drive forward their sales strategy. With a strong promote-from-within philosophy, the company looked for attitude above experience, and strived to provide a professional development strategy that would organically grow their sales team. Pareto worked in partnership with Rackspace to support a growth strategy that transformed the business, combining graduate recruitment and training that contributed to a 10,000% increase in growth. With more than 850 employees, the company are now one of the largest hosting software forms in the world.
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