Friday, 11 January 2013

Are You a Transformational Leader

Where Transformational Leadership and Authenticity Meet

By: Richard Cox
After studying Transformational Leadership for a while, you may come to the conclusion that there are a lot of technical things to remember to do, and even then you might not get it right.

So what is the magical ingredient to leading that makes it work? Well first of all, you probably know by now that there is no magic wand for life, or for leadership greatness. We can follow in the footsteps of those that came before us, and yet we might still not succeed.

Anyone that has ever attempted to create anything worthwhile knows that it is challenging, period. If it were easy, there would be little transformation of the person involved to create the result. It is often in the process and the journey that we ourselves transform, and that becomes the main reason why we succeed. We develop our own unique and special way of doing and being that really works, and creates the results we are looking for. Often a setback on a project can trigger a decision to do what it takes, pay the price, and get it right.

Being in a leadership position has many demands, some external, and other internal. Others and our own expectations we need to live up to - needing to be a certain way.
So as an example:
To be a transformational leader according to BASS and BURNS you need to be, have or provide:

1. Charisma or Idealized influence

2. Inspirational motivation

3. Intellectual stimulation

4. Individualized consideration or Individualised attention

or else you are not even playing the right game. But, you could do and be all of those 4 characteristics, and still not create the result you want.

You might ask why not? Good question.

Well, it's also very important that you be yourself. This is called being authentic. In a world that is constantly trying to make us anything but our unique and creative self, this is paramount.

YOU are the magical ingredient. Without YOU, nothing happens. Your unique, and authentic way of being you, creates the energy, drive, passion, or whatever you want to call it, that makes all the difference. How you engage your energy, time, integrity and power makes a massive difference to the outcome. It's like having a high performance car, and not using the best fuel. You will never get the best performance output if one aspect is lacking. You can have all the skills in the world, but if your execution is poor, so too will the results be.

It's about how you develop and grow as a leader. The personal choices and commitments you make, and break. What you will and will not stand for. It is you that lives with the consequences of your choices and actions.

Being authentic can be daunting, yet it holds the key to real sincerity and power. It can give you the personal edge and insight that most only dream about. If you gain the world, but lose yourself, you lose the game of life.

Being a Transformational Leader can be challenging, and when you bring your authentic self forward, the journey becomes personalised, powerful, meaningful and more enjoyable. Others respond to the genuine nature that they see in you. is dedicated to unlocking your transformation and leadership potential. Developing Tomorrow's Transformational Leaders Today.

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