Friday, 11 January 2013

Kiss Off Procrastination!

By: AnnA Rushton
K.I.S.S stands for Keep It Simple Stupid but that isn't going to help solve your procrastination. I have a much better idea.

I prefer a much kinder, and more effective way of thinking of it that tackles one of the fundamental problems that procrastinators face, that of being overwhelmed, so that is what I use:

Keep Implementing Small Steps

Every part of that is an essential tool to dealing with procrastination. Whatever it is you are procrastinating about, I promise it will be easier to tackle if you just follow those four simple instructions.

Whatever the issue, if you can look at it as a series of small, achievable, actions you are on the way to overcoming your procrastination.

Keep is the first part and what does it mean? Well it means keep going, or keep repeating an action. Do something to move your project forward, and keep on doing it. No stopping after just one attempt, by all means rest and recoup if it has proved difficult but the key lies in consistently addressing yourself to the problem.

Implementing is straightforward enough; thinking of how to overcome your procrastination is all very well but it is action that will move you forward. I know how easy it is to get seduced into thinking over your options and debating what you ought to do. That is great, but you actually have to do it! To quote the immortal Elvis, 'a little less talk and a lot more action' needs to be your motto.

Small is another key word that will help you be successful in tackling procrastination. Not actions that are so huge you can?t get them done in one session, or are so numerous you get exhausted just thinking about which one to do first.

I will let you into a secret; it doesn?t matter which action you decide to do first, as long as it is small, manageable and you do it. Most procrastinators tend to see the project as a giant mountain they have to move in one go; reality is if you take a shovelful at a time it will get moved.

Yes, it takes longer, but not nearly as long as if you never start to move that earth.

Steps are where you catch up with Keep; in other words one step at a time will get you there and you keep on making them! The simplest way to do this is to write a checklist of the actions that need to be done, and put Write checklist down as the first item and keep it limited to items you can do on that day. When you have done your list cross that line out because you have done it!

You are already on your way and taken action. Even the longest and most difficult task only consists of a series of smaller tasks, which if you see them as small steps will be are easily achievable. They may be small steps individually, but they are a giant step for a procrastinator.
AnnA is the author of 'How To Kill Procrastination And Get On With Your Life'. She is an inspirational writer and speaker on health, personal development and creativity. For free weekly procrastination postcards to motivate you, then visit . For free email newsletters, creative resources and archives then visit her main website at


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