Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Five Tips For Effective Networking

Wednesday 17 March, 2010
Networking can help grow your business when you have little money for marketing. Here's how to do it effectively.
  1. Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve

    When investing time and money in attending networking events, do so with the objective of making two to three good connections at each function.
  2. Smile and be nice to everyone

    It pays to be nice to everyone at these functions because business circles in cities are small and at networking events they're even smaller. If you find yourself lost for words or a little nervous at networking events, the best tactic is to smile and ask the other person questions about themselves. Most people are happy to talk about what they do and while they're chatting away, you'll have the chance to either think of some additional questions or plan your exit strategy!
  3. Join in the conversation - politely

    One of the intimidating aspects of attending networking functions on your own is the prospect of introducing yourself to people you've never met. One of the ways to introduce yourself to a group of people who may be in mid-conversation is to smile and say, 'May I join you?' It's a polite way of interrupting the conversation and breaks the ice.
  4. Don't have too many wines

    Sticking to the lemonade may seem like an obvious suggestion, but you'll be amazed at the number of people who attend business networking events only to have too many glasses of wine.
  5. The difference between spam and good follow up

    The key reason most business owners attend networking events is to make new business connections, which often require a follow up call or meeting. You may meet people who you have no need to do business with in the short term, but who are valuable contacts for future reference. One of the way to keep in contact with them is through your regular e-newsletter. However, do seek permission before entering their email address into your database.
Networking can be an effective and inexpensive way of building your brand, lifting your profile and attracting new clients.


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