Saturday 12 January 2013

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert

By: Dr Mark Yates
For a number of years I have worked closely with a business group of global experts and I chaired a UK group of expert consultant & management experts for three years.

During this time I consulted closely with just about every category of management expert on the planet, and I learned many inside secrets to help grow businesses exponentially.

This article identifies 8 experts that every business should retain to fast track their business growth. It also highlights precisely what a management expert should look for before committing to helping to grow a company.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #1 Management Expert

It goes without saying that the first inside secret is that if you are looking to grow your business then you really need to appoint a management expert. However it is very important to retain only a proven business growth management specialist.

Do not fall into the trap of retaining someone who presents as a combined finance expert, marketing expert, sales expert and legal expert etc, etc, because you'll likely be appointing a jack of all trades and master of none.

In the cold harsh reality of business growth, an expert consultant can only produce outstanding business growth results if he or she specialises in one or two of the global experts fields.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #2 Finance Expert

Every one of the global experts I have ever discussed business growth strategy with, reinforces my belief that you need a proven finance expert in your business growth team.

Sadly many business owners, particularly small business owners tend to ignore this valuable member of any business growth team.

One of the greatest benefits of retaining a finance expert is that they do not have to be retained on a full time basis like a sales expert or an articles expert. In my experience every expert consultant I work with has their own proven finance expert.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #3 Articles Expert

Retaining the services of a professional business articles expert is one of the best kept inside secrets of a business growth specialist team.

Very few business owners have any idea what an articles expert actually does. In reality a proven articles expert is worth his or her weight in gold.

These experts are sometimes referred to as a writing guru, if you type writing guru into your search engine browser you will be presented with several options.

An articles expert researches your business and your business market in-depth. He or she will collate all the business intelligence required by your marketing expert and appointed expert consultant prior to designing your proactive sales and marketing campaign.

The engagement of a professional articles expert is becoming more prevalent as these experts also write the copy for sales and marketing articles to be posted online to give you and your business high natural or organic positioning on the first pages of all the major search engines.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #4 Marketing Expert

Sadly whenever the business world experiences any economic downturn business owners always seem to sacrifice their marketing expert first as they circle their wagons and instigate cut backs.

Any expert consultant knows that this is always false economy and a grave tactical business error. Businesses that fail to embrace business development in the times of business crisis are three to four times more likely to enter liquidation.

Without a marketing expert, most businesses stagnate, once this happens it is extremely difficult to break out of this negative state. In my opinion retaining a professional marketing expert who has proven experience generally offers far more value than cost.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #5 Sales Expert

Most business owners recognise the importance of a professional sales expert when entering into any business development and growth phase. Whenever an expert consultant is tasked with pulling a business growth team together, he or she understands that many business owners believe the sales expert should be the leader of the team. In reality nothing could be further from the truth.

A professional sales expert is generally only skilled in producing and delivering a sales campaign based on the strategic growth and marketing plan which has been developed by the team.

It is rare for a sales expert to be a multi tasker skilled in other expert fields.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #6 Legal Expert

Once again retaining the services of a legal expert is another of the best well kept business inside secrets. I have lost count of the time an expert consultant has contacted me for a legal expert because the business they were assisting was in legal difficulties.

Think of a legal expert as a preventative medicine concept. It's far better to be aware of potential legal issues before they manifest and bite you and your business big time.

I consider a proven business legal expert as one of the key players in my business growth team. The very fact that your legal expert may steer you towards a cost effective legal issue insurance policy is well worth the retainer.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #7 Expert Consultant

If you think of the business growth team as an army, then the expert consultant is the General. The expert consultant generally is the first team player asked into the business requiring business development and strategic growth.

The expert consultant is usually the person who shortlists the other business growth team members and presents them to the business owner for their appointment.

Clearly it is in the expert consultant's best interests to only recommend proven business experts.

The expert consultant is generally retained on a full annual retainer and is the most hands on person in the business development team.

Management Experts Disclose Inside Secrets From A Management Expert #8 Global Experts

Occasionally once your expert consultant gets into the down and dirty of identifying the strategic business growth plan, he or she may decide to appoint outsourced global experts.

These global experts are generally required when a business has potential to conduct business overseas. Appointing the right global experts can ensure that a joint venture business alliance is correctly structured.

Alternatively global experts are often called upon to address international business licences, trademark and copyright protection as well as the protection of intellectual property rights.

You may feel that it's all well and good outlining the above business experts,and stating that every business should have these experts on tap. Many will wonder how a small business can afford these experts, and what their real value is.

In a nutshell, if you run a small to medium size business then retaining the services of the experts listed above will effectively provide your business with a board of expert directors. Something which every business would benefit from.
Dr. Mark D. Yates The International Business Guru & Growth Consultant grows businesses fast delivering exponential growth, increased turnover & profit margins. He delivers business support to small, medium & large businesses in 42 countries. To claim his FREE business case files e-mail him at

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